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Kansas Spring Turkey Hunting

Where can you have the opportunity to hunt Turkey’s with your friends where your entire hunting party has the opportunity to harvest 2 trophy gobblers? There is no place on earth like turkey hunting with Triple H Outfitters in the land of giants, Kansas.


The Rio Grande subspecies dominates the western two-thirds of the state. Low numbers in the southwest provide only limited hunting. In the northcentral region of Kansas, both Rio’s and the hybrid Rio Grande/Eastern birds are found. The Eastern subspecies stretches from northcentral Kansas to the northeast and far southeast regions. We offer a variety of hunting tactics for you to harvest your trophy gobbler. Offering the chance to go on a fully guided hunt, or a semi-guided hunt if preferred, including calling, ground blinds, decoys, and spot and stalk giving the hunter his or her choice of hunting styles and tactics.


We have numerous farms that hold large populations of birds, and all properties are pre-scouted and managed accordingly. Combining years of guiding experience, numerous properties, strict management, minimum hunting pressure, and down-home feel, makes for a hunt you will remember for years to come.

Archery Spring Turkey Hunting:

- Archery Only Season: April 3 - 11, 2018


- 3 Day hunt - 2 bird limit.


- Long, recurve, compound bows and crossbows are welcome.



Shotgun Spring Turkey Hunting:

- Regular Season April 3 - 11, 2018


- 3 Day hunt - 2 bird limit.




Triple H Outfitters Offers:

- The opportunity to harvest a 2 trophy Rio Grande turkey that is sure to be the

   hunt of a lifetime.


- Arrive the day before hunt dates between 3:00 - 5:00 pm.


- 3 full days semi-guided / fully-guided hunt.


- Lodging & home cooked meals.


- Transportation to and from the hunting area.


- Groups of 14 can be arranged.


- All birds will be field dressed and processed on site.




What to Bring:

- Kansas Turkey hunting license and tags


- Licenses for both residents and non-residents can be purchased over the

  counter or online at


- Legal weapon of choice specified on Kansas license


- Ammunition


- Calls, decoys, and optics


- Camouflage clothing


© 2020 by Triple H Outfitters. 

Website Design by Blufeather Designs
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