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Whitetail Deer Hunting in Lincoln County, Kansas

White-tailed deer numbers have increased dramatically in the last 20 years and can be found virtually statewide wherever suitable habitat exists. Whitetails have adapted well to Kansas modern landscape, finding cover in natural woodlands, shelterbelts, old homesteads, and grasslands.


The abundant food in crop fields where the majority of row crop consists of soybeans, corn, and sorghum offers the perfect protein and energy to grow enormous antlers. Both the habitat and abundant food has created a healthy deer herd, with excellent potential for trophy-sized bucks in

all regions.

Fair chase whitetail hunting that is second to none! Located in northcentral Kansas. Triple H strives to give everyone the opportunity to harvest the trophy buck of a lifetime. Family owned and operated we offer great accommodations, excellent meals, lodging and a down-home family atmosphere that you become part of during your stay. All hunting is done on private, leased farms that are well managed and scouted. All stand locations are well-managed farms to hunt, the Triple H staff will do all of the groundwork to put you on a trophy of a lifetime.

Early Season Muzzleloader Whitetail:

- Mid to late September



Archery Whitetail Pre-rut:

- Late Oct. to early Nov.



Archery Peak-rut:

- Early to mid Nov.



Archery Whitetail Late-rut:

- Mid Nov. to early Dec.

- Additional days may be purchased if available



Firearm Whitetail Hunt:

- Late Nov. to mid Dec.



Archery Whitetail Late Season:

- Late December



Late season Antlerless Whitetail and turkey Combo:

- Early January



Kansas Wild Turkey Hunting

Turkey Hunts:

- Three days fully or semi-guided.


- Meals and lodging included, also transportation to and from locations.


- All birds will be field dressed and processed on site.



What to Bring:

- Kansas Turkey hunting license and tags.


Licenses for both residents and non-residents can be purchased over the counter or online at: 


-Legal Weapon of choice specified on Kansas license




-Calls, decoys, and optics



The opportunity to harvest a trophy RioGrande turkey that is sure to be the hunt of a lifetime. All hunting is done on private and leased properties, located in northcentral Kansas. We offer a variety of hunting tactics for you to harvest your trophy gobbler. Offer the chance to go on a fully guided hunt, or a semi-guided hunt if preferred, including calling, ground blinds, decoys, and spot and stalk giving the hunter his or her choice of hunting styles and tactics.


We have numerous farms that hold a large population of birds and all properties are pre-scouted and managed accordingly. Combining years of guiding experience, numerous properties, strict management and hunting pressure, and down-home feel makes for a hunt you will remember for years to come.

Deer & Elk

Colorado Elk

& Mule Deer

Colorado Elk & Mule Deer Hunting

Colorado has some of the best elk hunting territory in the country. Rugged mountains, birch forests, high desert plains – these are the kinds of

places where big game hunters pursue elk and Mule Deer in Colorado.


Our hunting area lies west of Walsenburg, Colorado near the Spanish Peaks, one of the most prominent landmarks along the eastern front of the southern Rockies. Their snow-capped summits of the East Spanish Peak

and the West Spanish Peak, rise 7,000 feet (2,100 m) above the arid plains with an array of terrain offering the ultimate in Rocky Mountain Elk

and Mule Deer habitat.



Colorado Archery Elk & Mule Deer Hunting:

- Late Aug.- Early Sept.


Upland Birds

Kansas Upland Bird Hunting

Kansas boasts some of the best upland bird populations in the world. Bobwhite quail still thrive throughout much of the state, and in the far

southwest corner, scaled quail can be found. Although not native, the ring-necked pheasant has become a fixture to much of the Kansas

landscape. This variety and abundance of opportunities has made Kansas one of the more popular destinations among bird hunters worldwide.


All upland bird populations fluctuate annually according to weather and habitat conditions. To assist hunters with travel plans, KDWP staff use

a variety of surveys to assemble the Upland Bird Forecast , which is published each September. The forecast provides up-to-date information

about bird numbers around the state.

Upland Bird Hunting:


Pheasant & Quail Regular Season

Date: 01/01/2018 - 01/31/2018




Area Open: Statewide

Daily Bag Limit: 4 cocks in regular season, 2 cocks in youth season



Area Open: Statewide

Daily Bag Limit: 8 in regular season, 4 in youth season


Contact us for more information!

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